Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sore Genital Area Female Toddler

Red Cross Social campaigns (I):

When designing a social campaign is to analyze needs and motivations of the different audiences that are atene something to do with this campaign, as partners, society, other social partners, government agencies or volunteers. It should be noted that here the product is a social idea or cause . Therefore, not about promoting a product or service but to design campaigns which encourage a particular group of individuals to adopt certain ideas or change any attitude or behavior.

A social communication campaign, audiences with which relates the institution are the beneficiaries, partners, society, intermediaries, other agents soc ial, suppliers, governments, volunteers and employees and special audiences.

Red Cross is a humanitarian organization fun given in 1864. Your mission focuses on actions for the most vulnerable groups in the defense of human rights, the environment, fighting racial discrimination in the defense of ethnic minorities and in cooperation with the world's poorest countries. In short, their field is the solidarity and commitment to the disadvantaged.

Under values \u200b\u200b of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality, the action plan is built on Red Cross the fundraising (fundraising), the partners , the donors and Government Red Cross. It should be noted that Red Cross is leader in raising donations for emergencies . Although the market share captured by CRE is less in recent years given the strong presence of the other d and social organizations:

The chart can see the irregularity of raising funds for emergencies. This is due to the gravity of the tragedy and it has spread in the media.


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