Thursday, December 23, 2010

Barska Scope On 30-06 Rifle

Social Campaigns (II): international cooperation

L ine strategic campaigns

Strengthen the humanitarian commitment and solidarity of the English Red Cross since our local ro own world to the local world in other countries, sharing with the S ociedades national dedication to people and vulnerable groups and promoting the development of their skills long term.

General objectives

- Integrate international discussions on the logic of the work of the organization, with special focus on the Millennium Development d the Millennium.

- advance in the process of strengthening the capacities of the various territorial levels (Regional, provincial and local) in International Cooperation.

- Ensure greater involvement of volunteers in raising and development education, peace and human rights as well as other tasks and duties of international cooperation in general, enhanced CRE a learning organization .

- Attract new public and private donors, to diversify the source of funds.

sow Life Together Campaign

Specific Objective

The objective of this campaign was to get a fund for the purchase of 1,000 million seeds for use in food security projects in the English Red Cross.


The seeds were purchased with the profits realized from the sale of Danone products. The communication campaign included a spot for television different from chains and the inclusion of advertising space in several programs.

In the first period, thanks the support of millions of consumers, managed to exceed the initial target of 1,000 million seeds, reaching the 1,017 million, which would serve to boost local agricultural development in countries that suffer the consequences food crisis.

Together, "Together We Plant Life" has developed measures to increase the productivity of the fields, crop diversification and marketing support agricultural products.


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