Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bad Taste In Mouth After Wisdom Extraction

Red Cross Corporate Communication of the City of Vigo

Communication is a fundamental feature of the activity of public institutions serving the public authorities to share and exchange useful information with the public. In the present case, the institutional communication in the city of Vigo is very complex, since few have been occasions when a government legislature repeated consecutively. In addition, currently, the situation is aggravated by the absence of a coalition government between the PSOE and BNG, with two cabinets communication own and in a constant struggle and rivalry have more presence in the media, on billboards, on posters and, ultimately, ends up being a party communication totally politicized.

This internal struggle over the role in addition to promoting double image of Mayor and Deputy Mayor's Office, makes you spend a lot of resources in communication. This expenditure leads to situations as striking as a sports center is marked by Tenure and wooden benches for Mayor.

Much of the City of Vigo communication passes through these times by an aggressive campaign (elections are approaching), which mark the institution's logo very nearly, wherever. I leave here some of the most striking examples:

Here are some signs that the city can be found Oliver walk in their city, where whatever you do, the author of City Hall is more than clear. But there is still the icing on the cake. Hall can be changed directly by the Mayor. Either work or not the institution itself, not rush to correct it ...


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