Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Healthiest Greek Yogurt Dallas

Top ten of the crisis in Social Media (II): the case of Boeing

The case of Boeing:
Unlike in the previous post, this is an example of crisis well managed for two reasons: 1, because the company prevented its spread and 2 because it was applauded by the initiative of the crisis.

all started when Harry Winsor, a child of 8 years, the airline decided to propose a new model airplane that could put out fires.

the organization's response was anything but educational as, among other things, he said " Like EMPR many other great those we do not accept unsolicited ideas. Experience has shown that most ideas have already been considered by our engineers ... "

The father wrote or about what happened in his blog explaining that he was a child and how he could have answered in such a way. The reactions came to twitter and thereafter, the crisis exploded.

However, the organization responded appropriately, where the communications director, Todd Blecher said on the blog personally apologizing father and invited the little Harry, passionate about the aircraft, a Boeing Tour that made him the happiest kid in the world. In addition, the NY Times said:

" We are expert at airplanes But novices in social media. We are learning as we go"

There is no greater humility to admit their own mistakes and strengthen the brand image .


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