Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dora The Explorer Invitation Phrase

Top ten of the crisis in Social Media (I): The Case of Four and United Airlines How

Great this post where I could find some crisis stronger in Social Media.

One of the first cases of crisis in web 2.0 is provided by the carrier United Airlines and musician David Carroll . Occurred in 2008 when the company broke the $ 3000 guitar for a trip.

David Carroll, very angry, repeatedly tried to contact the organization, but in the absence of answers to their complaints, in July 2009, I dedicated a song which receives millions of visits according to becoming Times magazine in viral 7 th 2009.

The remarkable thing is that this crisis marks the beginning of the power of social media. Before a complaint filed was something unattended. " now beaten every customer is a potential reputational crisis"

Curiously, Xavier Colomer added that the musician just has to Twitter 4000 followers but the video has had more than 10 million visits.

Another carried worst crisis, and that I have consciousness, has been to Four and journalist Manolo Lama . I do a literal cutting and pasting because the summary is perfect:
  • May 12 : Appears manolo Lama's video on YouTube . Buzz moderate.
  • May 13: During the morning the criticism and protests multiply facebook, centered on the page " Manolo Lama resigns " , page Four and its official blog . At 14:00 a press release announcing that should end the crisis, as it did successfully Tulip. But Four's first response proved insufficient, poorly written, and without a clear message of apology. appears Afternoon news in the world .
  • 14, 15 and May 16: the absence of reaction of Four ( that does nothing, no facts page, or Enterprise version, or publish your answer on the forums), the crisis continues to escalate to splash Opel, as sponsor of the section, and EA partner of the journalist. The Community and Communications Manager Opel, made a excellent performance of best practice .
  • May 17: The ministry of Industry considers the case it seems outrage four , and rekindled the conflict just at the point where it could start dying of exhaustion. Moreover, it seems that facebook Four requested the closure of the site, which reopened a few hours. incident is unclear.


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