Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Adult Comic Movies

Christmas sometimes brings some creativity

These have been two of the public relations activities that have attracted my attention. The first of these, the Eroski flashmob. Although at times just a bit "weird", we must admit that I would have liked to break my routine of holiday shopping and surprised me with a pocket like the video. Incredible plane lady ... do not miss a second with that of aventajarte in line:).
The situation: very simple, concatenated carols sung by several supermarket employees who then disperse to return to duty achieving empathy customer.

Another action has also had some notoriety in the Web 2.0 has been to spanair a unexpected luggage . On the night of December 24, landing the flight Barcelona-Las Palmas travelers are surprised with a gift. At least we forget, for a moment, lost luggage, delays ... and always will remember for a long time, that an airline has had a breakdown with their passengers. Unusual and great for bonding.

Two public relations activities to strengthen ties with public, to create a beautiful memory on dates that are conducive to this and to improve its image and reputation.


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