Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Farewell Bobby Farrell

Certainly not this a theme the blog, but I feel compelled to spend even just a post and a few dances of the future 2011. Farewell Bobby Farrell


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Pull & Bear: How to go from being "stale" to "ideal" (at least for one night)

go from being "stale" to "ideal." Pull & Bear Inditex company has made a spectacular opening of its store in Madrid's Gran Via to the inherent label removed "more of the same," Pull David Dolphin has commissioned the design of the bags, good forecast to make delicious cocktails and all relevant bloggers the country.

Great video, a little "lifestyle" that it portrays the target to which this line is going. Hypnotics the static shots as if it were dealt photos to capture that pose "blogger" to the goal so fashionable. A landmark for the company that has given a fresh and safe searched impact achieved in social media.

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Top ten of the crisis in Social Media (II): the case of Boeing

The case of Boeing:
Unlike in the previous post, this is an example of crisis well managed for two reasons: 1, because the company prevented its spread and 2 because it was applauded by the initiative of the crisis.

all started when Harry Winsor, a child of 8 years, the airline decided to propose a new model airplane that could put out fires.

the organization's response was anything but educational as, among other things, he said " Like EMPR many other great those we do not accept unsolicited ideas. Experience has shown that most ideas have already been considered by our engineers ... "

The father wrote or about what happened in his blog explaining that he was a child and how he could have answered in such a way. The reactions came to twitter and thereafter, the crisis exploded.

However, the organization responded appropriately, where the communications director, Todd Blecher said on the blog personally apologizing father and invited the little Harry, passionate about the aircraft, a Boeing Tour that made him the happiest kid in the world. In addition, the NY Times said:

" We are expert at airplanes But novices in social media. We are learning as we go"

There is no greater humility to admit their own mistakes and strengthen the brand image .

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Top ten of the crisis in Social Media (I): The Case of Four and United Airlines How

Great this post where I could find some crisis stronger in Social Media.

One of the first cases of crisis in web 2.0 is provided by the carrier United Airlines and musician David Carroll . Occurred in 2008 when the company broke the $ 3000 guitar for a trip.

David Carroll, very angry, repeatedly tried to contact the organization, but in the absence of answers to their complaints, in July 2009, I dedicated a song which receives millions of visits according to becoming Times magazine in viral 7 th 2009.

The remarkable thing is that this crisis marks the beginning of the power of social media. Before a complaint filed was something unattended. " now beaten every customer is a potential reputational crisis"

Curiously, Xavier Colomer added that the musician just has to Twitter 4000 followers but the video has had more than 10 million visits.

Another carried worst crisis, and that I have consciousness, has been to Four and journalist Manolo Lama . I do a literal cutting and pasting because the summary is perfect:
  • May 12 : Appears manolo Lama's video on YouTube . Buzz moderate.
  • May 13: During the morning the criticism and protests multiply facebook, centered on the page " Manolo Lama resigns " , page Four and its official blog . At 14:00 a press release announcing that should end the crisis, as it did successfully Tulip. But Four's first response proved insufficient, poorly written, and without a clear message of apology. appears Afternoon news in the world .
  • 14, 15 and May 16: the absence of reaction of Four ( that does nothing, no facts page, or Enterprise version, or publish your answer on the forums), the crisis continues to escalate to splash Opel, as sponsor of the section, and EA partner of the journalist. The Community and Communications Manager Opel, made a excellent performance of best practice .
  • May 17: The ministry of Industry considers the case it seems outrage four , and rekindled the conflict just at the point where it could start dying of exhaustion. Moreover, it seems that facebook Four requested the closure of the site, which reopened a few hours. incident is unclear.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Christmas sometimes brings some creativity

These have been two of the public relations activities that have attracted my attention. The first of these, the Eroski flashmob. Although at times just a bit "weird", we must admit that I would have liked to break my routine of holiday shopping and surprised me with a pocket like the video. Incredible plane lady ... do not miss a second with that of aventajarte in line:).
The situation: very simple, concatenated carols sung by several supermarket employees who then disperse to return to duty achieving empathy customer.

Another action has also had some notoriety in the Web 2.0 has been to spanair a unexpected luggage . On the night of December 24, landing the flight Barcelona-Las Palmas travelers are surprised with a gift. At least we forget, for a moment, lost luggage, delays ... and always will remember for a long time, that an airline has had a breakdown with their passengers. Unusual and great for bonding.

Two public relations activities to strengthen ties with public, to create a beautiful memory on dates that are conducive to this and to improve its image and reputation.

Monday, December 27, 2010

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ethnography as a research methodology of Web 2.0

The ethnography, when successful, provides information on social life much richer than most other research methods . Once we know how to see things from within a particular group (community) is likely to reach an understanding deeper why certain people act in a given manner.

The network is generating virtual communities of an emerging culture, and the possibility of ethnography as a research methodology in these spaces of social interaction. This interaction is developed based on oral and written language, based on what hypertext iconic and multimedia . It also has the ally generated from electronic storage of records (eg Moodle ): statistics on entry, stay and places visited, participation in forums ...

is curious as follow someone "and" our fans "are, in short, a trait participant observation rather than applicable in ethnography.

I wonder if (future) communication professionals should take more account of this research methodology since, after all, the communities are public .

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Spain is the second largest online video consumption

I read in the blog of Dnovae that Spain is the second European country to consume more video online , with 83.1% of Internet users, second only to the French but above Germany and Britain. As for minutes consumed, the English deal is 2 nd place, with 16.2 hours per person, just behind Germany with 17, 7 pm.

Pages on Google Sites (mainly YouTube ), with 16.7 mill ones users and 193.8 minutes viewings online video per person in Spain, are by far the most used by English users to watch videos on the Internet. The data confirm that Spain ranks as one of the leading countries in online video consumption in Europe, but the big entertainment companies national are not meeting demand.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Social Campaigns (II): international cooperation

L ine strategic campaigns

Strengthen the humanitarian commitment and solidarity of the English Red Cross since our local ro own world to the local world in other countries, sharing with the S ociedades national dedication to people and vulnerable groups and promoting the development of their skills long term.

General objectives

- Integrate international discussions on the logic of the work of the organization, with special focus on the Millennium Development d the Millennium.

- advance in the process of strengthening the capacities of the various territorial levels (Regional, provincial and local) in International Cooperation.

- Ensure greater involvement of volunteers in raising and development education, peace and human rights as well as other tasks and duties of international cooperation in general, enhanced CRE a learning organization .

- Attract new public and private donors, to diversify the source of funds.

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Specific Objective

The objective of this campaign was to get a fund for the purchase of 1,000 million seeds for use in food security projects in the English Red Cross.


The seeds were purchased with the profits realized from the sale of Danone products. The communication campaign included a spot for television different from chains and the inclusion of advertising space in several programs.

In the first period, thanks the support of millions of consumers, managed to exceed the initial target of 1,000 million seeds, reaching the 1,017 million, which would serve to boost local agricultural development in countries that suffer the consequences food crisis.

Together, "Together We Plant Life" has developed measures to increase the productivity of the fields, crop diversification and marketing support agricultural products.

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Red Cross Social campaigns (I):

When designing a social campaign is to analyze needs and motivations of the different audiences that are atene something to do with this campaign, as partners, society, other social partners, government agencies or volunteers. It should be noted that here the product is a social idea or cause . Therefore, not about promoting a product or service but to design campaigns which encourage a particular group of individuals to adopt certain ideas or change any attitude or behavior.

A social communication campaign, audiences with which relates the institution are the beneficiaries, partners, society, intermediaries, other agents soc ial, suppliers, governments, volunteers and employees and special audiences.

Red Cross is a humanitarian organization fun given in 1864. Your mission focuses on actions for the most vulnerable groups in the defense of human rights, the environment, fighting racial discrimination in the defense of ethnic minorities and in cooperation with the world's poorest countries. In short, their field is the solidarity and commitment to the disadvantaged.

Under values \u200b\u200b of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality, the action plan is built on Red Cross the fundraising (fundraising), the partners , the donors and Government Red Cross. It should be noted that Red Cross is leader in raising donations for emergencies . Although the market share captured by CRE is less in recent years given the strong presence of the other d and social organizations:

The chart can see the irregularity of raising funds for emergencies. This is due to the gravity of the tragedy and it has spread in the media.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Red Cross Corporate Communication of the City of Vigo

Communication is a fundamental feature of the activity of public institutions serving the public authorities to share and exchange useful information with the public. In the present case, the institutional communication in the city of Vigo is very complex, since few have been occasions when a government legislature repeated consecutively. In addition, currently, the situation is aggravated by the absence of a coalition government between the PSOE and BNG, with two cabinets communication own and in a constant struggle and rivalry have more presence in the media, on billboards, on posters and, ultimately, ends up being a party communication totally politicized.

This internal struggle over the role in addition to promoting double image of Mayor and Deputy Mayor's Office, makes you spend a lot of resources in communication. This expenditure leads to situations as striking as a sports center is marked by Tenure and wooden benches for Mayor.

Much of the City of Vigo communication passes through these times by an aggressive campaign (elections are approaching), which mark the institution's logo very nearly, wherever. I leave here some of the most striking examples:

Here are some signs that the city can be found Oliver walk in their city, where whatever you do, the author of City Hall is more than clear. But there is still the icing on the cake. Hall can be changed directly by the Mayor. Either work or not the institution itself, not rush to correct it ...

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Sometimes employees have much to say ...

This has been the reaction of an employee of Harrod's to know that we said goodbye ... The revenge is not always taken into social networking, right?

Monday, November 8, 2010

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Wondering when would be the IFB talent night?
Well, wonder no more!
The talent night has a date!


Come and enjoy a show
spectacular promoting the talents of students
IFB and also with the special animation of CARLOS GALDÓS
and presentation of the band national BARET

The pre-
input from 05 to 20 November
is S /. 6
then be S /. 10

not miss this special show prepared by the IFB
for you!
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told them that the IFB, seeking to give a better service and educational requirements in their studies, has made some changes on the examination for admission to the races:

Banking Administration - International Business Administration
- with a major in Finance Accounting

The date of entrance exam for all 3 races will

The cost the right entrance exam, prospective studies and
fotocheck is S /. 90 before November 15
we also now the new careers
have all times available!

can choose between morning - afternoon - evening
which suits you best

And also ...


You have until November 15 for the offer!
times and now more and more sites!

Any questions about schedules, prices, registration ...
add us to msn:
and clear your doubts!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Okay Thanks, presidents!! Let us next to her

Our presidents came to Argentina to tax compliance with all our brothers to the memory of our comrade president Néstor Kirchner. Thanks to our presidents. With Correa, Evo, Lula, Chavez, Lugo who share our struggle. And thanks to Santos and Piñera who came on their land because we also have colleagues who are fighting for a larger American homeland, fairer and sovereign. As Nestor.

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IN THIS DAY THAT BUT DESPITE THE NATION ARGENTINA, surrender our deeply felt tribute to a great statesman and a true patriot.


whilst remaining in the term and if we withdrew OF IT, THAT WAS SOMETHING HAPPENED Changing the Face. We passed


THOSE YOUNG RETURNED TO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING AND ARGENTINE MILLION TO RETURN TO WORK AND HOPE, guarantees that in this way we started, the Argentine people will not take ONE STEP BACK.

PRESIDENT TO THE NATION'S STRENGTH AND WE WISH YOU regret because the irreparable loss.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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former president has died Nation, the current MP and president of UNASUR Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner. As a tribute to his memory and his struggle more than ever we stand by the President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.