Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cause Of Constant Blood Scabs

Four-Telecinco 4 reasons why your social media strategy will fail (if you have one ...)

The PR consultancy Edelman wrote a post the reasons why social media presence can fail. I'll stick with these four reasons.

1. think that Twitter will solve all your problems
Extensible to any network. The tools change daily. But what does not change are the expectations of the brands that consumers have. Social networks come to a people and build relationships . But are not there just to sell your product or service.

2. Have not investigated

wildly create profiles and pages on Facebook and Twitter just because the next door has done so and do not want to be less. Without research, image and reputation can be severely damaged . Sometimes it is better that there is no social networking presence. (Did not you suggest anything to the fans on your page are only employees of the company?) Organizations should identify if your brand is a relevant topic of conversation in social media. Population Studies, sociological ... are important and help us understand how our particular segment we are addressing. With proper research, our brand is ready to develop a plan of action.

3. Only hear

Play is good. In fact, it is critical to build strong and lasting relationships. Tools like Scoutlabs or Biz 360 allow us monitor online reputation we have and planning how it should be our feedback. Well, but listen to hear because you have nothing better to do, is worthless. Is only half the equation. Not only should you listen, you have to talk and act using all the knowledge and the feedback we get from community using it to innovate and change. Some signs of success go hand in hand, Intel, Starbucks and Ebay.

4. You need (or do not know) have corporate history

All brands have a history. The problem is that not always know the best way to tell. Many professionals still trapped on intranets with press releases and a communication way to forge that history. Yet others choose to tell a complete story with a simple creative piece.

However, having the mission and history of the company is much more. includes talks and participation . means immersion of what is and what the brand means in the communities that we care. Also construct stories as the consumer develops a language around the brand and what it accepts and learns from him. The stories have successful when they are flexible and not afraid to highlight the "stories of consumers" even if they do not reflect perfectly the "commitment to the brand."

The Social media is not a fad. Nor a game. Not only has more than Twitter. If a brand wants to really succeed in cyberspace, as an organization needs to know deeply, no doubt in what the expectations of customers and find out what is going to do for a long period in the Web 2.0.


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