Friday, November 6, 2009

Marraige Invitation In Tamil



Who are banking for years know, and we need to remember for young people who have entered this year in our business: November 6 is the Day of Banking. What is it in 1924 at which time the Bank Association was formed. Ie the union, over the years and with the participation of thousands of workers, and will guarantee our better rights. We therefore achieved its recognition as a non-working in our Convention Co-teaching time.

It means, was one of the rights that the bank took away the dictatorship. As always it was claimed by the Banking Association, being for years a day of protest until we get it back across the country, including non-working day.

Not coincidentally, this November 6, 2009 en-us encounter in the middle of union power. And we do justice reivin-cating annual wage compensation, in view of annual compensation systems that discriminate results the vast majority of banking, while bankers are growing year after year, as in this, their profits. Meanwhile, unknown and central to our Constitution establishes the de-rejected by all workers to participate in them. Along

are struggling to correct wage-tions liquidation deliberately wrong to prac-tican banks, breached the agreements signed by instituting humane working conditions in call center bank, to be determined the initial wage-do forms for banks that have not yet estab-lished (specifically ABAPPRA).

addition to this, insist on the demand the cessation of intervention in our Social Work, as is plain to see that does not solve their problems but aggravates them, knowing that there is only one way to overcome this situation: the compliance banks of the contributions established by the current Law 19,322 of its Article 17 Inc. F) bound to the social banking and Solidarity Health System in Argentina.

not forget, as we do from the days of dictatorship, our claim for a new law on financial entities and financial reform that responds to the interest the village, helping the Argentines' savings will serve to support the production and generating decent work.

This agenda, which is only a guide, we wait, and Banking Day is right to revive it. The path is traced; recorrámoslo among all participating and acting, because without the workers organized the banks are just empty buildings. Decide to contribute, participate and act are key to concrete commitments and goals.

To all the comrades bank of our country the best wishes in our day, rubric-two with the most fraternal greetings.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Washing Machine Where To Put Powder Boshe

we allow NO! PERSIST

Dear colleagues

On 31 August Mr. Federico De Lezica , as Manager of Industrial Relations Citibank, accompanied by his legal representative, appeared before the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, a body which should respond to union representation, of the claimed solutions to the multiple breaches reported.

Note that the problem addressed, now in this instance, it takes time for treatment and this was the third hearing after an extension already granted.

In speaking and before the disbelief of the official acting and union representatives present said Manager to comply with labor laws Argentina (eg. in terms of working hours, or refund the amount for the abducted child care workers who earn the least), they must first consult New York , and they needed much more time since the delays and the extension granted by the Labour Authority were not sufficient.

The response of the employers' representative grotesque evidence obscene as to subordinate its claim to the laws of Argentina to a supra-national labor policy, adversely affecting their workers, Argentina society, to the general principles of law and human rights, all through the systematic practice of abuse and threats.

So, abuse and bullying, the squeeze to unlink, unfair dismissal, discrimination against workers with disabilities, the violation of the workday and workweek banking, the outsourcing agreement to take the hundreds of banking, precarious contracts and outside the legal time limits, the fraud part-time workers, the irregular payment of wages, failure categories, subrrogancias unpaid overtime unpaid contributions evasion to social security are some of the practices deployed by Citibank in Argentina and that will not stop until New York is provided.

We as workers we must not allow Argentine!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Magic Tilt Trailers Comments


Expte. N º 1.335.582/09
In the city of Buenos Aires, thirty-one day in August of two thousand nine appear to be 1500 hours in the MINISTRY OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, Sandra Yolanda CESAR to my Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2, Mr. José Maria MOLINARI as the branch union prosecretario Buenos Aires, the lords Claudio Nahuel MORE (DNI N º 24814984), Andrea Castro, Verónica Mariela FIGUEIRAS DI BONA, Gabriel Fernandez, Pedro Motta, Cesar Perez, Francisco Ruiz, Joaquin Badar in their qualities of members of the Bank's internal union committee, representing all Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Mr. Federico de Lezica (DNIN ° 23968548) as the Manager of Labor Relations in conjunction with Dr. Cristian MORGAN T ° 80 F ° 471 in its capacity as agent of Citibank NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address in the street Tucumán 1 story 4 ° Federal Capital with all other data identity and personality accredited .--------------- cars

the act was declared open by the officers involved, the proceeds to grant the use a word to the employer representative who stated: Requesting the appointment of a new audience .-------------------------------
In using the word union representation evident: to ratify all the terms the allegations made, its enlargement and the claims raised at the hearing of the past 05/08/1909 Citibank warning that lack of diligence to resolve the issues raised, widely known and supported by all employees, only highlights the vocation to continue violating labor laws in Argentina, imposed by the massive spread of abuse and threats, a supra-national labor policy, prejudicial to the interests of its workers, Argentina society, the general principles of law and human rights.
cases and issues presented in this case, because of their seriousness, are indicative of the general conditions of work and by no means exhaust the general problem that affects employees of Citibank, which continues to violate the legislation on working hours overtime, extended hours of customer service, part time work, outsourcing, contract, labor abuse, conventional categories, subrrogancias unpaid irregularities in the payroll with the shameful absorption of reimbursement for child care for moms who receive the initial shaping.
In this context, the company wasted the time granted by the Ministry and indeed that of the extension granted by the Banking Association, proposing to open channels for dialogue with those that later fails, repeating the same address this antisocial behavior Management Authority and demonstrate to their workers and union representation while making a clean sweep of Argentina's labor legislation.
demand specific solutions to each and every one of the problems outlined in this audience and reiterating that the above is extremely important, to safeguard social peace, an urgent and positive change of attitude in handling labor relations, which must be harmonic and dynamic based essentially on the full compliance with existing labor legislation, now systematically violated, and mutual respect, otherwise it will show up a collective labor dispute, whose unpredictable consequences make them unique and absolute responsibility.

In this state the officers involved should be to set new date for hearing on September 22, 2009 at 15:00 being notified formally present .----------- Being

1645 hours is finalized the signing ceremony appearing under the previous reading and ratification by at my official certifying

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cystic Fibrosis Long Term Effects


Expte. N º 1.335.582/09

In the city of Buenos Aires, on the nineteenth day of August two thousand and nine appear to be 1500 hours in the MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY WORK NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, before Sandra Yolanda CESAR my Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2, Mr. Eduardo BLACK prosecretario as the National Guild, Mr. Carlos Irrera as the union branch secretary Buenos Aires, Mr. Claudio Nahuel MORE (DNI N º 24814984), Andrea Castro, Gabriela RINALDI, Mario DI BONA, Gabriel Fernández, Pedro Motta, Horacio CISTRIANO, Cesar Perez, in their qualities of members of the union committee within the Bank, all on behalf of the Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Dr. Cristian MORGAN 80 F ° T ° 471 in its capacity as agent CITIBANK NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address on Tucuman Street 4 th Floor 1 Capital Federal all with identity accredited personality and other data in the file.

declared open the event by the officials concerned, this should be to cede the floor to the representative employer who states: That watch the time allowed and the extension of the submission made by the Banking Association requested a new hearing is set in the within one week.

In using the word union representation evident: we come to ratify all the terms of demonstrations and allegations that gave rise to this, asking unify all records in this office administrative procedure where the counterparty is Citibank. Likewise, and in recognition of good faith bargaining permanently demonstrated by this union we agree to the extension requested by the company noting that at the next hearing to designated managers must attend to and informed decision-making power on the problem here treated, without simultaneously detracts from the legal representative present at this hearing . Finally we require Citibank authorities made all efforts conducive to the solution of problems existing work to achieve social peace existing guarantee, which is certainly at risk from the business decision-making adopted.

In this state the acting official must be a new hearing date set for the day August 31, 2009 at 15:00 leaving these formally notified. Being

1615 hours is finalized the signing ceremony appearing under the previous reading and ratification by at my certifying official. SECTOR UNIONS SECTOR EMPLOYER

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alpha Kappa Alpha Letter Las Vegas


Expte. N º 1.335.582/09

In the city of Buenos Aires, on the fifth day of August two thousand and nine appear to be 1500 hours in the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, before Sandra Yolanda CESAR my Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2 Mr. Eduardo BLACK prosecretario as the national union, Mr. Carlos Irrera as the union branch secretary Buenos Aires, Mr. Claudio Nahuel MORE (DNI N º 24814984), Andrea Castro, Gabriela RINALDI, Mariela in DI BONA qualities of trade union members of the committee within the Bank, all on behalf of the Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Dr. Paul Mastromarino T ° 63 692 ° F as the possession of CITIBANK NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address on Tucuman Street 4 th Floor 1 Capital Federal identity all with personality and other accredited data file.

declared open the event by the officials concerned, this should be to cede the floor to the union representatives who stated: That we come to ratify all the terms of the allegations made in exptes. N º 1.248.228/07 and 2-335.582/09 to conduct the National General Secretary Dr. Juan José Zanola we spent to expand in this act:
1 - that Citi Bank continues to flout the existing legal working hours established by the decree 2289 / 76, in all its provisions, including with respect to the times of refreshing, particularly in branches and in some central areas, where the company exercises increasing pressure to prevent workers from exercising the right.
workers are forced to work every day 9 (nine) hours or more without paying for overtime, as required by law, which is appropriate to recall are not binding and that due to overload tasks to which workers are exposed to various areas, particularly in branch offices, is further exacerbated by operational changes mandated by the Company in care of alternative means of payment, ATM, etc.
is clear that the current staffing is insufficient to solve the task level, unloading on employees damages resulting from the problems that displays the company and the management persists in ignoring and worse.
also recall that the current day has been ratified by this Ministry in the minutes 1078914/03, signed by representatives of all sector business chambers, including the camera ABA, and that failure to extend to the Clause 2 of the memorandum signed file under the 1248228/07 in which the Bank agrees to review their performance in the field, before the breaches reported by the International Trade Union Commission in due course.
alleged conduct resulting in damages of patrimonial, personal, academic and their own physical and mental health of workers exposed to these conditions, this also that there is a tax loss to the social security contributions not made in not paying the appropriate overtime, and we are calling Citi Bank immediately cease this behavior and repair the damage caused .
2 - The above impact, apart from the violation of legal working hours in the legal working week and we have found increasing pressure for the staff of the trading platform of branches go to work on Saturdays. These same pressures have verified aggravated form of abuse and workplace violence in the area of \u200b\u200btelemarketing and therefore demand an immediate cease and measures taken necessary to prevent recurrence.

3 - Also, the new branch Catalinas, daylight hours are from 10 to 16 hours and not 10 to 15 hours (five hours) as stipulated in Decree 2289/76. That extra hour of care, there is a risk to be extended to other branches, especially the new, contributes to the total normal and regular tasks can not be completed within 7.30 am of the bank working day, resulting therefore in personal injury to the already mentioned.
4 - We have found that many workers that the bank considers part-time in branches and central areas, are victims of occupational fraud, and that in practice working day complete, or work overtime, even though this is expressly forbidden, which demand recognition as full-time employees where appropriate so and / or compensation for the legal banking day for them.
5 - also able to verify the existence of numerous working positions in which employees working with temporary contracts, longer than the term loosely set in the legislation, therefore we demand for all its immediate effectuation.
6 - The above situation keeps alarming similarity to the conditions endured by large numbers of workers employed in sectors misnamed tasks "Outsourced," which goes so far as to ensure the work performed by the same worker doing it consistently pass on a company, but without recognizing the real employment relationship between Citibank and these workers even when the functions performed by them are clearly bank (normal and specific banking institution) and are usually done using the facilities, equipment, supplies and instruction hierarchy of the bank, as we have seen happening in the area of \u200b\u200bClearing, among others, Peter Paul workers Juan José Lemmo and Lemmo, who work in these conditions for over fifteen years. Importantly, these workers - people with different abilities - along the period worked on numerous occasions have sought to regularize their employment status, without success, lie in the same period have seen other workers, who also deserved were satisfied in the same claim.
The situation is particularly serious in the case of John Joseph Lemmo, who after recent claims made, including the action before the International Trade Union Commission, was notified by the Company Fiserv SA of its removal from the labor settlement in which tasks provided for eighteen years.
We demand the immediate regularization of employment of such workers, as well as that of all workers involved in this transaction.
7 - It also exposes the incorrect application of the minutes of December 10, 2008 as stipulated in the basic wages and compensation for workers made initial bank of Citibank, making a bold interpretation of its provisions, has decided to absorb the same reimbursement for care that was paid to workers with children under 6 years. We demand the immediate return of withdrawals unilaterally abolished by the company.
8 - We demand also are granted categories for conventional effectively functions performed by workers in every case, citibank issue that has made little progress and in many cases poorly. This part also requested, without thereby undermining the professional one in this audience represents the Bank to attend next hearing to be appointed managers with decision-making. In

speak Employer representation EXPRESS: What is in this act to take note of the submissions referred to the bill which simply copy thereof, as well as the extension done, and requested a new hearing is designated .

In this state the acting officer proceeded to set new date for hearing on August 19, 2009 at 15:00 leaving these formally notified. Being

at 17.00 is finalized the signing ceremony appearing under the previous reading and ratification by at my certifying official. SECTOR UNIONS SECTOR EMPLOYER

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beldray Ironing Boards Canada

multiple irregularities deteriorating every day UNRESOLVED LABOR POLICY ASSOCIATION

Dear colleagues

In recent meetings with representatives of Human Resources Management, Operations and Distribution, said they recognized the same working day between 7.30 pm and announced that a team HR traverse the bank to make it clear to each Manager, Supervisor and Built on the validity of it as they felt that this would be more effective than a general communication on the matter.

relation to this and other topics discussed in this and previous meetings with different managers or HR should be noted:

-that there has been progress in meeting day, or snack times, or payment overtime and HR representatives rather than clarify what is the lead time staff resigned to support the systematic violation of it, with the excuse, which is a more than doubtful benefit, that we do not have that score card. Sometimes we think that if we did we would have a reliable record the number of hours worked for the Bank does not pay us.

, which have claimed many meetings in a comprehensive review of the functional structure of the Bank in order to carry out a fair reclassification of all positions that correspond to branches, Citigold and agree to the centralized areas and functions CCT 18/75 actually performed, and although in recent weeks due categories were awarded a long time, has not occurred in all cases or the corresponding granted by the Convention, reaching the height of granting letters without implying any reclassification, approach that was more than a ridiculous situation in which those who had benefited leave it under the category and now have to fix.

, which is intolerable discrimination perpetrated against many fellow outsourced or contracted and have not been carried out dozens of adjustments applied for months, including those of peers with disabilities whose rights the Bank continues to ignore.

"that the bank has not regularized the day at all positions considered part-time, but which requires the completion of overtime and that they must be immediately framed in terms of Law 26474.

-persistent illegal attitudes and practices of workplace violence affecting workers who want exercise basic rights such as licenses by examination designed to regulate strictly, ridiculous and illegal exercise thereof.

practices "that violence and bullying manifested dramatically in Telemarketing sectors where workers are required to not reach the target during the week that they will work on Saturdays and there is a supervisor has harassed and abused a partner who is licensed by the risk of transmission of influenza A.

-in addition to the violation of public opening hours at Branch Catalinas, and working hours throughout the bank, now there is a mail that offers RO "voluntarily" go to work on Saturdays from 9 to 18 to telemarketing to reach the goal.

exposed situations far from solving the serious irregularities reported deepen the illegality of certain actions and further deterioration of the labor policy of Citi.
International Trade Union Commission Staff Citibank

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rent Sailboat Certification


Dear colleagues

last 90 days, the Banking Association has demanded the renewal of the wage agreement expired last December and made it the responsibility of always, but firm enough to safeguard the legitimate interests of our peers.

During these days our organization, firmness and discipline of the bank workers union have been tested more than once.

The entire guild and Citi workers responded in exemplary fashion and this has made it possible, after a strong trade union action plan, renewal of the wage agreement expired and the respect for the rights to stand firm. If we had not done, we would be mourning his loss.

Today we can say we have reached a satisfactory agreement because thousands of peers acted jointly in the claim and the defense of collective interests. The unity, solidarity and organization are ensuring that Citi recover missing rights. Congratulations to all.

-Minimum guaranteed $ 595 (five hundred ninety-five pesos) retroactive to March.
made of $ 3395 (pesos three thousand three hundred ninety-five) from 1 March.

-initial compensation under $ 3,595 (pesos three thousand five hundred ninety-five) from 1 June.

-Function ATM increases to $ 238 (two hundred thirty-eight pesos) retroactive to March.

-La Falla Cash in Pesos is increased to $ 417 (four hundred and seventeen dollars) retroactive to March.

"The failure of foreign currency cash increases to $ 119 (pesos one hundred nineteen) from 1 March to recognize the payment of retroactive up to six months prior to 1 March 2009, which constitute a reserve fund of $ 300 (pesos hundred) and were paid $ 300 (three hundred dollars) in cash remuneration for the month of June.

"The agreement is effective from 1 March to 31 December 2009.

"This agreement must be paid before June 10, 2009.

Veronica Figueiras-Pedro Motta, Andrea Castro, Horacio Gabriel Cistriano-Badaro-Joaquin Fernandez-Ruiz, Marcelo Francisco Santome-Gabriela Rinaldi--Cesar Perez-Marie-Claudio Di Bona

International Trade Union Commission Staff Citibank

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yaoi Pokemon Doujinshi Pokemon Yaoi Doujinshi?


Dear colleagues

It is public knowledge ADEBA cameras, ABE and ABAPRA have already signed with the Banking Association pay an important agreement that meets the expectations of the bank. However

foreign banks grouped in the ABA camera, which includes Citibank, has not yet signed. Therefore

still unable to overcome the conflict resulted in the failure to renew the wage agreement expired on 31 December. Given this

the International Trade Union Commission confirms the status of permanent session and mobilization and calls on all colleagues to remain alert to their decisions, the organic bodies of the Banking Association.

Francisco Carlos Ruiz Verónica Andrea Figueiras

International Trade Union Commission Staff Citibank

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Want To Buy A Piece Of Coriand


Because that progress is insufficient and curtails our rights. Because

would ignore the coefficients for seniority and thus pay more conventional and less money to which it corresponds.

failure because they do not pay cash in foreign currency and do not want it pay.

Because before you claim you only offered 10% and evidence that only the unity, solidarity and organization of the bank can ensure that they respect our wages and conditions of work.

Because if they claim all together will have to pay what is right.

STOP 10 TO 15 HOURS. Claudio

Nahuel More "Veronica Andrea Figueiras-Pedro Motta, Andrea Castro, Horacio Gabriel Fernández Cistriano-Badaro-Joaquin-Francisco Ruiz-Marcelo Rinaldi-Santome-Gabriela Cesar Perez-Marie Di Bona

Im A 33 Male Wet Dream






Claudio Nahuel More "Veronica Andrea Figueiras-Pedro Motta, Andrea Castro, Horacio Gabriel Fernández Cistriano-Badaro-Joaquin-Francisco Ruiz-Marcelo Rinaldi-Santome-Gabriela Cesar Perez-Marie Di Bona

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sheltie Dermatomyositis


In recent meetings with the Management of Industrial Relations, where we have again raised to respect the legislation on working hours, hours of the public, the CCT 18/75 with regard to conventional categories, as well as upgrade order and restatement of the payment of the premium for childcare comprehensive review of the positions that the bank considers part-time work overload in branch offices, and employment in all areas of call center, the aforementioned Management has reported that held meetings with workers in these sectors and branches visit to effects to see first hand the problems exposed.

believe that as long as it is not a new strategy for delaying or intimidating these contacts take any form, and we refer to the case, because the discount will not be repeated we had to endure many times, but speak of those discourses that seek to put the responsibility on the profitability and stability of jobs for employees, like when making strategic management decisions, managements consult us, will be positive so that workers exposed to raw and precise way affect the policies that implement the various managements, on the situation staff labor.

We have done countless times, but seem to be enough for those who, at this stage of events, should be noted that we do not clubs. We are serious people. SEEMS SO GOOD TO TALK TO ALL WORKERS, BUT FREEDOM WITHOUT FEAR. INTERNAL COMMISSION KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT NOR WILL THE distracted, and that good practice RECOMMENDED FOR MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES IN THE OECD GUIDELINES, SPECIFICALLY TO RECOMMEND management, avoiding STYLE PRESSURES THAT "IF BOTH PARENTS CLAIM MAY TAKE CLOSE."

also Chapter XIII of Law 23,551 is clear about the behavior that the employer must observe in relation to workers and their union representatives and demand to due compliance with the laws in force, also in this area.

long as these basic conditions for maintaining social peace are respected, will have the best disposition on the part of the Guild, to inquire into the causes of existing concerns, and of course our good faith bargaining to resolve them immediately, since their occurrence has a long history, calling from and to all colleagues to speak freely and the whole truth.

International Trade Union Commission Staff Citibank

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anniversary Favors With Cute Sayings


Dear Colleagues: As

The strong trade union action led by the bank of Citi, has provoked unexpected employers. They decided to demonstrate

an advance on account of a future agreement that will not come if they persist in this attitude unreasonable. This

pretenden desmovilizar, quebrar la unidad y el justo reclamo que efectuamos, pero no lo conseguirán.

El adelanto es insuficiente.

Deben firmar un acuerdo justo y con escalas como corresponde y reclamamos, pero también deben respetar la jornada laboral, las categorías convencionales, acordar condiciones laborales justas para el call center y presentar una propuesta seria para satisfacer todos y cada uno de los reclamos efectuados por los trabajadores del banco.

Permanezcamos en alerta, unidos y solidariamente organizados en el reclamo por un salario justo y condiciones de labor dignas.

Comisión Gremial Interna del personal de Citibank