Friday, August 21, 2009

Cystic Fibrosis Long Term Effects


Expte. N º 1.335.582/09

In the city of Buenos Aires, on the nineteenth day of August two thousand and nine appear to be 1500 hours in the MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY WORK NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, before Sandra Yolanda CESAR my Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2, Mr. Eduardo BLACK prosecretario as the National Guild, Mr. Carlos Irrera as the union branch secretary Buenos Aires, Mr. Claudio Nahuel MORE (DNI N º 24814984), Andrea Castro, Gabriela RINALDI, Mario DI BONA, Gabriel Fernández, Pedro Motta, Horacio CISTRIANO, Cesar Perez, in their qualities of members of the union committee within the Bank, all on behalf of the Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Dr. Cristian MORGAN 80 F ° T ° 471 in its capacity as agent CITIBANK NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address on Tucuman Street 4 th Floor 1 Capital Federal all with identity accredited personality and other data in the file.

declared open the event by the officials concerned, this should be to cede the floor to the representative employer who states: That watch the time allowed and the extension of the submission made by the Banking Association requested a new hearing is set in the within one week.

In using the word union representation evident: we come to ratify all the terms of demonstrations and allegations that gave rise to this, asking unify all records in this office administrative procedure where the counterparty is Citibank. Likewise, and in recognition of good faith bargaining permanently demonstrated by this union we agree to the extension requested by the company noting that at the next hearing to designated managers must attend to and informed decision-making power on the problem here treated, without simultaneously detracts from the legal representative present at this hearing . Finally we require Citibank authorities made all efforts conducive to the solution of problems existing work to achieve social peace existing guarantee, which is certainly at risk from the business decision-making adopted.

In this state the acting official must be a new hearing date set for the day August 31, 2009 at 15:00 leaving these formally notified. Being

1615 hours is finalized the signing ceremony appearing under the previous reading and ratification by at my certifying official. SECTOR UNIONS SECTOR EMPLOYER


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