Monday, August 31, 2009

Magic Tilt Trailers Comments


Expte. N º 1.335.582/09
In the city of Buenos Aires, thirty-one day in August of two thousand nine appear to be 1500 hours in the MINISTRY OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, Sandra Yolanda CESAR to my Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2, Mr. José Maria MOLINARI as the branch union prosecretario Buenos Aires, the lords Claudio Nahuel MORE (DNI N º 24814984), Andrea Castro, Verónica Mariela FIGUEIRAS DI BONA, Gabriel Fernandez, Pedro Motta, Cesar Perez, Francisco Ruiz, Joaquin Badar in their qualities of members of the Bank's internal union committee, representing all Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Mr. Federico de Lezica (DNIN ° 23968548) as the Manager of Labor Relations in conjunction with Dr. Cristian MORGAN T ° 80 F ° 471 in its capacity as agent of Citibank NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address in the street Tucumán 1 story 4 ° Federal Capital with all other data identity and personality accredited .--------------- cars

the act was declared open by the officers involved, the proceeds to grant the use a word to the employer representative who stated: Requesting the appointment of a new audience .-------------------------------
In using the word union representation evident: to ratify all the terms the allegations made, its enlargement and the claims raised at the hearing of the past 05/08/1909 Citibank warning that lack of diligence to resolve the issues raised, widely known and supported by all employees, only highlights the vocation to continue violating labor laws in Argentina, imposed by the massive spread of abuse and threats, a supra-national labor policy, prejudicial to the interests of its workers, Argentina society, the general principles of law and human rights.
cases and issues presented in this case, because of their seriousness, are indicative of the general conditions of work and by no means exhaust the general problem that affects employees of Citibank, which continues to violate the legislation on working hours overtime, extended hours of customer service, part time work, outsourcing, contract, labor abuse, conventional categories, subrrogancias unpaid irregularities in the payroll with the shameful absorption of reimbursement for child care for moms who receive the initial shaping.
In this context, the company wasted the time granted by the Ministry and indeed that of the extension granted by the Banking Association, proposing to open channels for dialogue with those that later fails, repeating the same address this antisocial behavior Management Authority and demonstrate to their workers and union representation while making a clean sweep of Argentina's labor legislation.
demand specific solutions to each and every one of the problems outlined in this audience and reiterating that the above is extremely important, to safeguard social peace, an urgent and positive change of attitude in handling labor relations, which must be harmonic and dynamic based essentially on the full compliance with existing labor legislation, now systematically violated, and mutual respect, otherwise it will show up a collective labor dispute, whose unpredictable consequences make them unique and absolute responsibility.

In this state the officers involved should be to set new date for hearing on September 22, 2009 at 15:00 being notified formally present .----------- Being

1645 hours is finalized the signing ceremony appearing under the previous reading and ratification by at my official certifying


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