Monday, April 25, 2011

96.5 Temperature For 8 Year Old

Press Cipayo doctor said the toxicity of glyphosate

Different voices speak out constantly against the use of glyphosate in agricultural production, noting that spraying with this pesticide is harmful to the health of rural populations.

Adding to many voices, the pediatrician Rodolfo Paramo, in the town of Malabrigo in the north of the province, issued a critique of the governor Binner from the place of colleague. "The governor, health sanitarian, denied that glyphosate is toxic. He says it is a myth. Binner must show that glyphosate is a myth ", was angry.

Páramo said that Malabrigo soy entered "contraband" in 1993, long before it was released by the Menem government (minister of agriculture was Felipe Solá) in 1996. In his village began to grow in the summer of 93, and between mid 94 and 95 was when the first cases of birth defects, "he lamented.

"I was a neonatologist and head of the guard from the Maternity Hospital in Santa Fe Cullen, and there we saw the birth of a baby with birth defects per 8,500 to 10 000 live births. The percentage we had in Malabrigo, in a population that is between 180 to 200 births per year was 12 cases of malformations. That made us stop the creeps. And most of these malformations incompatible with life. "

said that the malformations most frequently warn "have to do with the neural tube, from lack of brain and bone covering the brain to the spine hernias."

The pediatrician, who is 67 years and more than four decades in the profession, also relieved malformations "in the cervical spine where the boy is born quadriplegic, and sacred fire at the boy born paraplegic." And he was blunt: "If these guys survive, have terrible consequences of paralysis, urinary tract infections, etc... "

Paramo said that for years he also worked in the Hospital Gutierrez de Buenos Aires, making Neuropediatrics. "There, we emphasized that in the embryology of the central nervous system, the guard to prevent such defects is folic acid. My idea was to that the environment was something that inhibited the protective action of folic acid or competing with it, producing these malformations. I researched what was being used, then, applying the poison ended up in the field and teams entered the village with its nozzles dripping toxic. When asked why they were using told us it was the Roundup and that according to the National Animal Health Service (SENASA) was harmless. I contacted the land was degraded and produced no detrimental effect and humans or animals. And we shut the mouth, "says the pediatrician.

However, a test was blunt: "The community of Malabrigo has banned the people of these vehicles, known as mosquitoes and magically disappear malformations," he said.

But the problem continued in other ways, and most shocking: "You begin to see, regularly, four to day five women who abort.


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