Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Sigen Ensures that 32 years ago that does not grow

The Trustee noted that the company has the same production capacity since 1978, despite increased demand, and there are no clear rules of control. In addition, a representative of the State in the company said Clarin have to get used to comply with the law. "

The owner of the Comptroller General's Office (Sigen), Daniel Repose said Newsprint has the same production capacity since 1978, although demand increased significantly and has not generated a plan investment to reverse the situación.Además, the trustee said that management representatives Clarín and La Nación are the same who took office more than 30 years.
"Managers are between 68 and 77 years of age. No rotation functions. From the moment I entered in 78 of these same managers carry the same charges, which are not fully regulated. So transparency mechanisms fail, "Rest said to Channel 7.
"In the 78 years the production capacity that had the company is exactly what it is today. The demand was growing and has 250,000 tons per year of demand. In 2009 produced 158,000 tons of paper, "said funcionario.Reposo said:" No has generated investment plan to revert this situation. Being a monopoly enterprise, it is the only place in the market and has tiered pricing, who need to purchase paper for the Journal should matter, and that means 50 percent more than cost. "
Meanwhile, one of the state representatives Newsprint, Paul Cerioli, said today that there is a clear subjugation of private management of the company over the state and stressed that "the Clarin Group have to get used to fulfill the laws. " Cerioli explained that a board meeting of representatives of private capital decided to separate the state.
"It's crazy and irrational. To us appointed by decree of President Cristina Fernández, on behalf of the State's actions. Grupo Clarin have to get used to that in Argentina there are laws and must meet, "said the manager at Radio Del Plata.
"These people took control of a company in the worst years of the dictatorship lead. From there they made a terrible and continuing mismanagement. Paper is sold below cost, consolidated the monopoly from newsprint and then we look if (Interior Commerce Secretary), Guillermo Moreno came with two toy boxing gloves, or if raised his voice a decibel decibel more or less. They are not used to control them, "he said.
Finally, Cerioli said: "The things we are doing is an act of desperation. Things that happen are very serious. On 24 we will present the report with the historical truth of Newsprint. "


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