Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rubbermaid Cooler Replacement Latch

Newsprint Honduras: continued repression and killings

Teresa, leader assassinated in Honduras

The repression will not stop from the occurrence of the coup that overthrew President Zelaya last June 28 2009. In recent months, an opposition activist was threatened death, several human rights defenders were attacked, police received the endorsement of the Honduran National Congress and the INAM to repress women, strangers tried to run a teacher active in the resistance, attempted to abduct young masked University of resistance and trade union leaders and journalists were killed.
Last Wednesday was found the body of Teresa de Jesus Flores Elvir, 52 years old and who throughout his life he fought for the farmers movement, was found in a state of putrefaction and shot and signs of having been tortured about 35 kilometers from the city of Siguatepeque.

Teresita, as he was affectionately called, was originally from Meambar, Comayagua, mother of 14 children and last year this companion lost 15 of their relatives in a car accident while returning from the funeral of a relative. He was coordinator of several peasant groups in the area where he lived and had been directors of the Campesino Organization of Honduras (OCH). Currently part of the new Coordinating Council of Peasant Organizations of Honduras (COCOCH) renovated.

According to reports from family, Teresa had disappeared from August 7 to Saturday noon, having left Tegucigalpa bound for home at 6:00 in the morning, but he contacted a fellow peasant group and said he was in Siguatepeque waiting for a bus home, the family since he never heard anything more about her, until today they found her body and rotten .

The body was found without an arm and also had several bullets and machetes, according to Maria Perez told the leader of Union of Workers (UTC).
Faith Radio shout the testimonies of leaders of the Honduran Resistance.

This is the song "We coup" by fellow Radio Progreso in Honduras, we spend in our program. Any resemblance of the etra with the reality of Argentina, surely not a coincidence.


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