Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Bruiget: Chief Race IFB

Discover your team interviewed Giuliana Bruiget Instinct, race chief IFB to ask a few questions to help you clear your doubts and find out the best of everything that a career in bank management and teller certification have to offer!

Watch the video carefully and do not miss anything about everything the IFB and Discover your instinct to help bring your training as a professional.
More career information can be found in the www.descubretuinstinto.pe

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This year, companies will hire more staff in Banking and Finance

According to the survey "Employment Outlook" conducted by Manpower, the sectors that hire more staff this year are focused on Banking and Finance category with 52% and Mining and Construction, with 34%.

Indeed, this probe was detected that 30% Peruvian businessmen plan to increase its staff to return this year, while 6% of organizations plan to decrease the amount of its workers.

addition, this study has been applied to a total of 720 employers in Lima, La Libertad, Piura, Arequipa, Cusco, Junín and Ucayali, the sectors of agriculture and fisheries, finance, manufacturing, mining and construction public administration and education, services, transportation and trade.

Arequipa is the province with the most optimistic expectations regarding employment, with 47% followed by Cusco and Lima, with 33% and 31% respectively.

The numbers are quite promising, and positioned to Peru in fifth place in expectation of employment worldwide.

So what you waiting for! Enter the IFB and study with us the bank management career! Remember that 9 out of 10 are already working within the prestigious companies of the sector.

descubretuinstintoifb@hotmail.com Consults on MSN where we are from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm or go to www.descubretuinstinto.pe We are waiting!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

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The IFB team and Discover your instinct is pleased to introduce its 2 new careers:


And do not miss anything, you are invited to attend information sessions that will

on Wednesday 25 at 5:30 pm Thursday, 26
at 5:30 pm (exclusive certification for graduates of cash)

Here you can read everything you need to know about careers, the benefits you get, methods of payment and registration, scholarship programs and any promotions that the IFB has for you!

Venues to be the talk are:

Headquarters Headquarters North San Juan de Lurigancho
Headquarters (Surco)

the coming weeks for more talks are scheduled to leave everything ready for first start of classes on 04 October.

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On Tuesday the nation's president Cristina Fernandez, presented the report called "Papel Prensa, the truth." The document lays bare the web of illegality surrounding the transfer of shares to the daily Clarín, La Nación and reason during the last military dictatorship.
the president's speech was strong, exemplary and documentaries based on numerous tests that show the huge number of irregularities and illegalities surrounding this case, even peppered with the abduction and torture they were subjected Graiver David's wife, Lidia Papaleo, and other family members who had until 1976 the majority stake in that company. Who do
Faith Radio to share with everyone the entire speech given by Cristina Fernandez at the American patriots living in the house of government, because we consider it absolutely essential to know what happened in newsprint and interest are to understand that behind of monopolistic groups that concentrate on information management in Argentina:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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be know Last week the national government's decision to terminate the license of the company Fibertel given its disappearance as such by unilateral decision of their owners. This measure led to the rejection of Clarín and choir group of leaders who follow the orders of Magnetto. As Faith Radio wanted to know more clearly that the issue is summoned to the time Argentine Leandro Renou, who is carrying out a thorough investigation to the subject. Leandro
This told us the story that led Martin and the window later on Saturday:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Sigen Ensures that 32 years ago that does not grow

The Trustee noted that the company has the same production capacity since 1978, despite increased demand, and there are no clear rules of control. In addition, a representative of the State in the company said Clarin have to get used to comply with the law. "

The owner of the Comptroller General's Office (Sigen), Daniel Repose said Newsprint has the same production capacity since 1978, although demand increased significantly and has not generated a plan investment to reverse the situación.Además, the trustee said that management representatives Clarín and La Nación are the same who took office more than 30 years.
"Managers are between 68 and 77 years of age. No rotation functions. From the moment I entered in 78 of these same managers carry the same charges, which are not fully regulated. So transparency mechanisms fail, "Rest said to Channel 7.
"In the 78 years the production capacity that had the company is exactly what it is today. The demand was growing and has 250,000 tons per year of demand. In 2009 produced 158,000 tons of paper, "said funcionario.Reposo said:" No has generated investment plan to revert this situation. Being a monopoly enterprise, it is the only place in the market and has tiered pricing, who need to purchase paper for the Journal should matter, and that means 50 percent more than cost. "
Meanwhile, one of the state representatives Newsprint, Paul Cerioli, said today that there is a clear subjugation of private management of the company over the state and stressed that "the Clarin Group have to get used to fulfill the laws. " Cerioli explained that a board meeting of representatives of private capital decided to separate the state.
"It's crazy and irrational. To us appointed by decree of President Cristina Fernández, on behalf of the State's actions. Grupo Clarin have to get used to that in Argentina there are laws and must meet, "said the manager at Radio Del Plata.
"These people took control of a company in the worst years of the dictatorship lead. From there they made a terrible and continuing mismanagement. Paper is sold below cost, consolidated the monopoly from newsprint and then we look if (Interior Commerce Secretary), Guillermo Moreno came with two toy boxing gloves, or if raised his voice a decibel decibel more or less. They are not used to control them, "he said.
Finally, Cerioli said: "The things we are doing is an act of desperation. Things that happen are very serious. On 24 we will present the report with the historical truth of Newsprint. "

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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you ever wondered why today there is a lot of cash very young listening on the banks when before the image we had of them was a fat man, mustache and very serious ...

In fact, more young people are those who are inclined to work in banks and this is thanks to agreements with youth training many of these financial institutions.

addition, these youth training programs aim to provide qualified personnel to the office to take charge of customer service and operations.

On the other hand, many companies, especially banks, that are hiring young people to form working while studying. German companies, for example, have offered more than 15,000 such contracts, according to the weekly Focus.

Did you find this interesting? Then the teller of the IFB certification is your choice!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Newsprint Honduras: continued repression and killings

Teresa, leader assassinated in Honduras

The repression will not stop from the occurrence of the coup that overthrew President Zelaya last June 28 2009. In recent months, an opposition activist was threatened death, several human rights defenders were attacked, police received the endorsement of the Honduran National Congress and the INAM to repress women, strangers tried to run a teacher active in the resistance, attempted to abduct young masked University of resistance and trade union leaders and journalists were killed.
Last Wednesday was found the body of Teresa de Jesus Flores Elvir, 52 years old and who throughout his life he fought for the farmers movement, was found in a state of putrefaction and shot and signs of having been tortured about 35 kilometers from the city of Siguatepeque.

Teresita, as he was affectionately called, was originally from Meambar, Comayagua, mother of 14 children and last year this companion lost 15 of their relatives in a car accident while returning from the funeral of a relative. He was coordinator of several peasant groups in the area where he lived and had been directors of the Campesino Organization of Honduras (OCH). Currently part of the new Coordinating Council of Peasant Organizations of Honduras (COCOCH) renovated.

According to reports from family, Teresa had disappeared from August 7 to Saturday noon, having left Tegucigalpa bound for home at 6:00 in the morning, but he contacted a fellow peasant group and said he was in Siguatepeque waiting for a bus home, the family since he never heard anything more about her, until today they found her body and rotten .

The body was found without an arm and also had several bullets and machetes, according to Maria Perez told the leader of Union of Workers (UTC).
Faith Radio shout the testimonies of leaders of the Honduran Resistance.

This is the song "We coup" by fellow Radio Progreso in Honduras, we spend in our program. Any resemblance of the etra with the reality of Argentina, surely not a coincidence.

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TELLER Teller Certification Interactive Workshop

Find out everything you need to know to keep you well informed that the bank management career IFB is the best choice for you! Benefits, scholarships , promotions, training, work bench and all the advantages you gain from being part of IFB.Decídete today and see our interactive workshop

IS TOTALLY FREE and you can come with your friends or your parents.

hours in Lima at 7:00 pm

Headquarters Headquarters North San Juan de Lurigancho
Headquarters (Surco) Headquarters San Isidro

Chiclayo and Arequipa in the appointment is at 5:00
not miss it!

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For many speak of barter as a payment system sounds a bit outdated by now. However, the exchange of goods or services without money involved can revolutionize any business. What how is that? Right now what you have.

Indeed, the operation of the barter business is based on the simple exchange of goods between companies, alternative pathway the purchase of goods in the traditional market. And always carried out without recourse to cash.

addition, companies such as Pepsico, Du Pont and Reckitt & Coman require the exchange of property for other products or services through trade management companies.

On the other hand, for SMEs the exchange products can be the solution to large investments that could not even imagine. It can also be a solution to reduce costs and achieve common exchange with suppliers, since exchanges can be between two or more companies.

also among some of the benefits it can offer business barter are:
• Buying without cash flow.
• Increase sales compensation techniques.
• Enter the company into new retail channels.
• Optimize financial results.
• Improve productivity.
• Lower stocks.

Want to learn more about these and other issues of business? Then the bank management career IFB is your career choice.

you expect to find your instinct! Dare to be a successful professional! MSN descubretuinstintoifb@hotmail.com contact us at where we are from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5pm or enter to www.descubretuinstinto.pe, and find out more news.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Find out everything you need to know to keep you well informed that the bank management career IFB is the best choice for you!

benefits, scholarships, promotion, training, work bench and all the advantages you gain from being part of the IFB.

Decide today and see our interactive workshop

IS TOTALLY FREE and you can come with your friends or your parents.

hours in Lima at 7:00 pm

Headquarters Headquarters North San Juan de Lurigancho
Headquarters (Surco)
Headquarters San Isidro

In Chiclayo and Arequipa the appointment is at 5:00 pm

Monday, August 16, 2010

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Interview with Deputy Héctor Recalde

Faith Radio interviewed the Deputy Héctor Recalde, a lawyer with extensive experience in the workplace and advisor to the CGT, on the situation of the country, the economy, the labor market and unions. Nico and Tana in an unforgettable story.

Monday, August 9, 2010

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BANK ADMINISTRATION Meet our simulator banking and works as SARABANK PLUS!

You know what bank is a simulator? What is? What advantages can offer? For if you do not know, the IFB has the best: SARABANK Plus, with our certification students learned and now cash and work.

If you want to learn in a practical way how to recognize counterfeit bills, counting bills, managing a bank box or our PLUS simulator SARABANK bank, the teller certification IFB is what you should study.

We tell you also that the IFB is the only banking institution that has this important simulator: SARABANK PLUS. What what are its advantages? You count them now!

PLUS simulator SARABANK banking, strategic simulator is capable of managing a bank's real as possible. This will put into practice all the teachings of the certification IFB cashiers leaving ready to work in any financial institution or business in general.

Another advantage simulator that offers banking SARABANK PLUS is that it is present most common banking products: Personal Loans, Mortgage Loans, Credit Cards, etc.

you expect to find your instinct! MSN descubretuinstintoifb@hotmail.com contact us at where we are from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5pm or else enter www.descubretuinstinto.pe, and be a true teller ptofesional.

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Macri Police continues to make newsprint

arrested a commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in an operation against drug trafficking

A Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Simon Rodriguez, was arrested in a raid on a drug operation of Buenos Aires. Like, beyond the membership, it is a colleague, police in the province tried to explain that they were investigating was the stepson of Rodrigo, but the commissioner was arrested for possession of explosives.

The truth is that the commissioner's house they found 2.5 kilos of cocaine, 15 kilos of marijuana, 400 ecstasy tablets, a large sum of money, breaking and precision scales, guns and antitank grenades. Thus, the police PRO Rodrigo was suspended "pending clarification of the case."

Diego Kravetz, head of the group of legislators from the opposition Peronist Block in the Buenos Aires Legislature, said, "The Metropolitan Police, for what proved to date, is more corrupt and ineffective as the 'damn police'."

The procedure, which included 10 raids, carried out in Villa Adelina, in the context of a case in which drug trafficking was also arrested his stepson and five others.

force chief Eugenio Burzaco admitted that refining the selection of staff had errors. "Clearly, in some particular cases yes ", recognized Burzaco on the radio, when asked if there were errors in the selection of staff of the Metropolitan. The" civil "Burzaco assumed the December 11, 2009 with a mission to purge the Metropolitan, following the arrest of former chief Jorge "Fino" Palacios and Osvaldo Chamorro deputy separation for the case of eavesdropping.

To tone down the impact the arrest of the commissioner, Burzaco Buenos Aires said the government envisaged the possibility of having "some problems" for taking people with previous experience in other forces. Most come from the Federal.

confessed after the official launching an internal purge of the PM and 10 troops were disaffected by "criminal situations, but trusted that" the personal is today is perfect. "

Undoubtedly, the Metropolitan Macri faithfully represents the ideas of the PRO.

Last week the legislature Meeting People for Victoria, Francisco "Tito" Nenna police questioned the appointment of Mayor Ricardo Cajal as Commissioner of the force. Nenna said that Cajal was separated from the Federal Police in 1998 after being prosecuted for breach of duties of a public official. "Cajal protected the luxurious saunas San Telmo when he was cast," complained Rep. Kirchner. Rafael

Gentilli, Project South, said most of the main dome of the strength comes from the Federal Police and responds to the former commissioner Palacios, prisoner in Marcos Paz. According to the legislator, five of them had or have family members through private security companies. "Burzaco said that changed to two superintendents and six CEOs.'s Replaced, in fact, by people who also named Palacios Chamorro," said Gentili days ago.

Friday, August 6, 2010

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to talk about the city of Buenos Aires, we communicate with the Buenos Aires legislature Front for Victory and union leader of the Union of Education Workers Nenna Tito who gave us his opinion on Pro-management ceased Head of Government.

Next dialogue we had: