Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tagalog Birthday Messages For A Sister

The PRO is the mask falls

Well, if anyone had any about the true intentions of the PRO in terms of public policy. Wanting to run the country as a company (or in some cases as a stay and slave labor in between) ...

Macri An official proposes to abolish the public school
Carlos Pirovano belongs to Pro and works in the city's government. Via Twitter controversy aroused by saying that he would privatize all education and that teachers are transformed entrepreneurs.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The official Twitter aroused controversy. "And if we assume that public education is dead and with that money we pay private school children?" He asked through his Twitter account Pro official, Carlos Pirovano.
Thus the present head of the Department of Economic Development of the city of Buenos Aires believes that public education should give way to private enterprise with the rules of a company. Pirovano

expanded on the topic in the social network where added phrases such as "Le giving away public school teachers who would no longer be public employees and would be entrepreneurs. "
then clarified in another tweet with this measure, he said, teachers "would stop arguing over wages and thus" teachers would be concerned about providing a good education and to receive a government check. "
also makes the clarification through a hashtag-which is a key word to identify a theme-called Thoughts Offenders.
The repercussions were immediate social network and many came out to criticize and remind the academic training done at the University of Buenos Aires, an institution of public education.


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