Friday, May 14, 2010

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Transcendent: CITI BANK RECOGNIZES THE WORKING HOURS vs Output and employment

Expte. N º 1.306.760/08
In the city of Buenos Aires, on the twenty day of April two thousand and ten being the 19:00 hours appear in the MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY WORK NATIONAL BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, before me Sandra Yolanda CESAR Secretary of Conciliation of the Department of Industrial Relations No. 2, Mr. Gustavo Diaz Secretary Trades, Carlos Irrera as the Assistant Secretary National Union, Alejandra Estoup Secretary General Section Buenos Aires, Mr. Claudio Nahuel MORE, Andrea Castro , Gabriela RINALDI, Mario DI BONA, Gabriel Fernandez, Francisco Ruiz, Joaquin Badar, Marcelo symptoms in their quality of members union committee within the Bank, all on behalf of the Banking Association, sponsored by Dr. Francisco Rojas, on the one hand and the other does Mr. Federico Racioppi in his capacity as Vice President of Human Resources, doctors Gaspar A AGUIRRE T 9 F 327 Cristian MORGAN T 80 F 471 in its capacity as agent of Citibank NA Sucursal Argentina who proves his personality through a copy of power that accompanies this act, constituting a legal address in the street Tucumán 1 piso 4 º Capital Federal everyone with identity accredited personality and other data in the file.

declared open the event by the officials concerned, this should be to cede the floor to the representations Banking Association and Citibank NA Sucursal Argentina who themselves claim that the parties agree:
1 - The Bank recognizes the full force of Decree 2289/76, which establishes the bank working day. Also implement all mechanisms that deems appropriate in order to ensure compliance.
2 - There shall be incorporated into the Bank's permanent staff to 137 (one hundred thirty-seven) workers performing work under any service contract modality, 57b (fifty-seven) of them have been incorporated from the months October, November and December 2009. The other additions continue to be made until June 30, 2010.
3 - The Banking Association says, in relation to the additional known nursery, which confirms what has been said in the hearing dated 05.08.2009 and thereafter. The Bank argues that the above concept was settled properly. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without acknowledging facts or rights offering to pay the staff set out in Annex I compensatory sums therein. These amounts will be paid within ten (10) business days after signing this, by depositing regular salary into the account of each of them. On the occasion of the implementation of the agreement between the Banking Association and ABA from 1 January 2010 the Bank proceeded to not absorb the amount for the concept called the Additional Child Care. "
4 - The parties shall undertake an assessment of the situation hierarchical scale of workers and in cases that could be improperly framed hierarchically immediately be standardized so that they properly receive their wages.
5 - The Bank does not require workers to perform tasks on Saturdays.
6 - will form a Working Committee, which will aim to treatment and solution of all those labor issues may exist and interpretation of the scope of this agreement. It will consist of representation employer, the representation of the Banking Association (National General Secretary and Sectional Buenos Aires) and the International Trade Union Commission. Naturally, the only way bargaining enabled in order to conclude the agreements is the General Secretariat of the National Banking Association (Society of Bank Employees).
7 - The parties request the approval of this. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is expressly agreed that the foregoing immediate compliance is binding on the parties to effect the provisions of Article 1197 of the Civil Code and the Employment Contracts Act.
As the 19 30 hours taken for the signing ceremony ended appearing under prior reading and ratification by certifying official to me.