Friday, November 6, 2009

Marraige Invitation In Tamil



Who are banking for years know, and we need to remember for young people who have entered this year in our business: November 6 is the Day of Banking. What is it in 1924 at which time the Bank Association was formed. Ie the union, over the years and with the participation of thousands of workers, and will guarantee our better rights. We therefore achieved its recognition as a non-working in our Convention Co-teaching time.

It means, was one of the rights that the bank took away the dictatorship. As always it was claimed by the Banking Association, being for years a day of protest until we get it back across the country, including non-working day.

Not coincidentally, this November 6, 2009 en-us encounter in the middle of union power. And we do justice reivin-cating annual wage compensation, in view of annual compensation systems that discriminate results the vast majority of banking, while bankers are growing year after year, as in this, their profits. Meanwhile, unknown and central to our Constitution establishes the de-rejected by all workers to participate in them. Along

are struggling to correct wage-tions liquidation deliberately wrong to prac-tican banks, breached the agreements signed by instituting humane working conditions in call center bank, to be determined the initial wage-do forms for banks that have not yet estab-lished (specifically ABAPPRA).

addition to this, insist on the demand the cessation of intervention in our Social Work, as is plain to see that does not solve their problems but aggravates them, knowing that there is only one way to overcome this situation: the compliance banks of the contributions established by the current Law 19,322 of its Article 17 Inc. F) bound to the social banking and Solidarity Health System in Argentina.

not forget, as we do from the days of dictatorship, our claim for a new law on financial entities and financial reform that responds to the interest the village, helping the Argentines' savings will serve to support the production and generating decent work.

This agenda, which is only a guide, we wait, and Banking Day is right to revive it. The path is traced; recorrámoslo among all participating and acting, because without the workers organized the banks are just empty buildings. Decide to contribute, participate and act are key to concrete commitments and goals.

To all the comrades bank of our country the best wishes in our day, rubric-two with the most fraternal greetings.