Friday, September 11, 2009

Washing Machine Where To Put Powder Boshe

we allow NO! PERSIST

Dear colleagues

On 31 August Mr. Federico De Lezica , as Manager of Industrial Relations Citibank, accompanied by his legal representative, appeared before the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, a body which should respond to union representation, of the claimed solutions to the multiple breaches reported.

Note that the problem addressed, now in this instance, it takes time for treatment and this was the third hearing after an extension already granted.

In speaking and before the disbelief of the official acting and union representatives present said Manager to comply with labor laws Argentina (eg. in terms of working hours, or refund the amount for the abducted child care workers who earn the least), they must first consult New York , and they needed much more time since the delays and the extension granted by the Labour Authority were not sufficient.

The response of the employers' representative grotesque evidence obscene as to subordinate its claim to the laws of Argentina to a supra-national labor policy, adversely affecting their workers, Argentina society, to the general principles of law and human rights, all through the systematic practice of abuse and threats.

So, abuse and bullying, the squeeze to unlink, unfair dismissal, discrimination against workers with disabilities, the violation of the workday and workweek banking, the outsourcing agreement to take the hundreds of banking, precarious contracts and outside the legal time limits, the fraud part-time workers, the irregular payment of wages, failure categories, subrrogancias unpaid overtime unpaid contributions evasion to social security are some of the practices deployed by Citibank in Argentina and that will not stop until New York is provided.

We as workers we must not allow Argentine!